Fabulous Females

That's what this site is for: a place to gather all of the ideas and observations of real women living out the drama of single life in a world of "hooking up" and "putting out." If you'd like to become a poster, just give us your email address in a comment so we can invite you in! This is a non-discriminatory place to air out your feelings, so please be constructive! We also welcome men to post insight, comments, and advice on today's culture between males and females.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm here...

My excuse is that I'm on a crappy new project at work, which you can find out about on my blog, should you care to. Suffice to say I'm working night shifts for a couple weeks which means I go in around 6:30pm and come home the next morning around 9 or 10 on a good day. So, you can guess where my point balance is for the challenge - in the red.

Not the best summer so far. Although I am headed to New Orleans with my youth group in August so there's that to look forward to.

Noticed that FF passed the 10K mark for visitors - congrats.

Oh, and I'm working on a big birthday post for next week, I'll try to come back here and link to it when I get it up.

Hope everyone's well and interacting regularly with members of the opposite sex.


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