The JesusBlock
I was talking to a female Christian friend recently, and the subject of dating/relationships came up. She mentioned that she had been JesusBlocked recently. On seeing my blank stare she explained:
Apparently a JesusBlock is when He ends something prematurely that would not be good or healthy for you. In her case, it was a very nice first date. He called her two days later and said "I don't see this going beyond friendship." JesusBlocked!
Am I the only one that has never heard this before?
Apparently a JesusBlock is when He ends something prematurely that would not be good or healthy for you. In her case, it was a very nice first date. He called her two days later and said "I don't see this going beyond friendship." JesusBlocked!
Am I the only one that has never heard this before?
At 7:35 AM, March 19, 2007,
Marianne said…
I've never heard that, but it's the same refrain as "It's God's will for us not to see each other again."
Give me a break. Own your decisions. You either like the person romantically or you don't. Don't blame God for personal preferences.
At 7:44 AM, March 19, 2007,
none said…
never heard it
At 8:24 AM, March 19, 2007,
Jennifer said…
I agree with Marianne that the Jesus card is lame. In college you'd hear of guys telling girls, "I think it's God's will for us to be together." Then after a few months of dating they would say something like this...
"God is really calling me to be single right now." or
"I don't think it's God's will for us to be married."
Really, that translated into...
"Okay, I like someone else and want to break up but I'm a huge wuss."
At 10:03 AM, March 19, 2007,
Adam the V said…
I agree playing a spiritual card to excuse your personal preference is lame - but this particular case involved a non-Christian that probably wouldn't have been smart to get involved with.
To clarify: the guy didn't use a spiritual excuse like the examples mentioned. Perhaps I did a bad job of explaining it :(
At 11:10 AM, March 19, 2007,
none said…
I think the post was saying that a "Jesus Block" is when Jesus doesn't allow you to do something you shouldn't be doing anyway (like date a non-Christian). Like when something happens that is not what you wanted, but that was probably good for you. Right?
At 11:29 AM, March 19, 2007,
Abbie G said…
The term "JesusBlock" is the silliest thing I've heard in quite some time. This is why many young Christians can't communicate with people outside of their churches, because they use terms like "JesusBlock" that make absolutely no sense outside of the Christian ghetto. In addition to finding the phrase itself silly, I am hesitant to give Jesus responsibility for every little thing that happens. It's entirely possible that it was a (ahem) "God-thing" that this guy doesn't see the friendship going anywhere, but God doesn't always protect us from mistakes, especially in matters of love and dating. We still have to make choices. If this guy isn't a Christian, that should have been the girl's first clue that God wouldn't want her to go there.
So maybe this "JesusBlock" was an act of God, but I would hate to think that anyone would live their whole life expecting God to lay every brick of their path for them. We still have responsibilities and choices - free will, people!
sorry to be such a zealot, but it's a sore spot with me right now for personal reasons.
thoughts comments opinions or beliefs?
At 11:47 AM, March 19, 2007,
Marianne said…
Right on, Abbie!
I couldn't have said it better myself. We make choices. No one is perfect. If you think God is writing every word of your story, how do you handle it when heartbreak or disappointment come along? I've seen so many "Christian" relationships/friendships fall apart the second you run into the real humanity, weakness, and failings (but isn't that where the beauty is?) of the other person.
At 11:51 AM, March 20, 2007,
Babba-Gi said…
I've heard of "Carb Blockers", but they don't work. They just give you diarrhea.
At 6:05 PM, March 20, 2007,
The Prufroquette said…
On the other hand, it can be a humorous, wry way to refer to a moment when God does step in and issue a directive.
Of course we all have choices, and need to own our decisions. Few things make me angrier than people who don't take responsibility for themselves.
However, the Bible also states, beautifully, that "You hem me in, behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me," and follows with gorgeous descriptives of everywhere we can try to go to escape God, but can't. I'd always thought of being "hemmed in" as a comforting, protective gesture, and it is; but I read somewhere that it falls closer into line with the comfort of the rod and staff described in Psalm 23 -- the rod and staff of guidance and discipline.
So yes, we do need to be striving for the "ancient paths...the good way...and walk in it," and know that we are free people to choose the good; and we won't always be protected from our bad choices, because consequences are natural; but there are still times when God protects us from ourselves, when He hems us in (I've always pictured that, since it's followed with "you have laid your hand upon me," as having God's hand cupped over me, like we cup our hands over a grasshopper) whether we like it or not, and that knowledge is wonderful.
I can see where "JesusBlock" would be a tricky thing to translate from Christianese to everyday language, and where it can be a needless hangup...but in your friend's situation, I think it can also be funny. I roll my eyes at myself and say similar things from time to time, though I've never heard that particular expression before now.
At 7:41 PM, March 20, 2007,
Adam the V said…
Abbie G - sorry I hit a sore spot! I've never actually had someone use a spiritual excuse in a romantic/dating situation, but I know it happens. It reminds me of some of those videos Boundless put out.
Sarah - you hit it right on the money. I shared this just because I thought it was a ridiculous parody of a pop-culture saying. My friend wasn't making a theological statement - she wasn't even serious.
What's your most hated excuse used to get out of a relationship? Mine is "I just need to be single right now...for myself."
(disclaimer: this one is just personal - this was followed three days later by her starting to date someone else.)
At 9:42 PM, March 20, 2007,
Jennifer said…
"I thought we were friends with benefits." That takes the cake.
At 2:28 AM, March 21, 2007,
Dawn said…
I'd always thought of being "hemmed in" as a comforting, protective gesture, and it is; but I read somewhere that it falls closer into line with the comfort of the rod and staff described in Psalm 23 -- the rod and staff of guidance and discipline.
Actually, the "rod" here was not the modern incarnation of a rod that disciplines--it's a shepherd's rod, used to protect sheep from enemies. "The rod was regarded as an extension of a shepherd's right arm and in biblical symbolism pictured a shepherd's strength, this power, and his authority in any given situation" (a study on Psalm 23--no longer online--I used once upon a time for a paper). While the road is protection, the staff is guidance. Shepherds used their staff to catch shy sheep and bring them closer for examination, guide newborn lambs to their mothers, and guide the sheep by walking next to them, both in contact with each other through the connection of the staff.
But back to the original topic: I've never heard of a "JesusBlock." It sounds both hilarious and a little frightening. It's Christianese--run!
At 5:42 AM, March 21, 2007,
The Prufroquette said…
I have to go with, "We're moving too fast. I'm not ready for something this serious. I think we need to step back," three weeks before diving into a serious relationship with one of my newly single best friends...whom he proceeded to propose to, and then marry.
Now, granted, I'm happy for her, and I like her a ton, and they make a much better couple than he and I would have, but I was never able to be friends with him after that.
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