The one thing I really didn't appreciate about the Atlantic article and the various discussions regarding it that I was privvy to (ours being only the latest, and I'd like to point out, for the record, that it was some other david commenting in that thread, not myself), was the general but mostly unspoken theme that the "settling" issue is germane to the fairer sex.
That was a long sentence.
Anyway, I wrote this question a while back and got some really good response. It encouraged me to keep my standards high, and never settle. As one responder put it, if the word 'settle' ever comes up, its not the right person.
I thought perhaps you might enjoy reading it. In the meantime, I'll sit here and wonder why this issue is one that people think only women struggle with, and I'll do so with due regard to the irony of framing the issue in this particular venue.
That was a long sentence.
Anyway, I wrote this question a while back and got some really good response. It encouraged me to keep my standards high, and never settle. As one responder put it, if the word 'settle' ever comes up, its not the right person.
I thought perhaps you might enjoy reading it. In the meantime, I'll sit here and wonder why this issue is one that people think only women struggle with, and I'll do so with due regard to the irony of framing the issue in this particular venue.