Fabulous Females

That's what this site is for: a place to gather all of the ideas and observations of real women living out the drama of single life in a world of "hooking up" and "putting out." If you'd like to become a poster, just give us your email address in a comment so we can invite you in! This is a non-discriminatory place to air out your feelings, so please be constructive! We also welcome men to post insight, comments, and advice on today's culture between males and females.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Question Answered

Well, fear not! The questions I've had about "joy" have really been answered for me. God is really amazing how He reveals things to us. This morning in Sunday school we were discussing the ways we grow spiritually: prayer, Bible, worship, fellowship, and witness. I can't believe how simple it all is, and it was right under my nose. Today while lying in bed attempting to take a nap, I prayed... a lot. Long story short, I'm going to be changing my life. In order to fully serve Christ and give Him glory, I really need to be strong in all five of those areas. I'm not. God indirectly is telling me that I'm weak in reading my Bible and knowing scripture, and the witnessing area. So it really isn't a difficult concept. If you're right with God and are growing spiritually, you will have that joy you've been searching for. Please keep me in your prayers as a work-in-progress, and that I can be kept accountable for my actions. Thanks all!


  • At 11:49 AM, January 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I say that makes you a truly fabulous female!

    The beauty of the fruits of the spirit, like the fruits of any tree, is that they come naturally with proper care and nuture.



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